Work with Us
Our goal is making Robo a source of inspiration for our job, within a buisness environment which prise optimism and rewards enthusiasm and creativity
We are a comunity of dreamer and our people brings great ideas and perform an extraordinary job both inside and outside Robo'n Roll.
We introduce ourselves... and is that energy which we hope to share with our costumers!
We are looking for dreamers, thinkers, makers, explorer and wanderers who loves shape their vision into reality.
We are comitted to build a sentimental culture around and inside the application of our Robos, in it's setup ad its design, inside people's homes, in the shops, e and in every working environment.
We are free people who engages committed and passioned employees, with a strong sens of communication and collaboration
We are looking for Individuals and Companies with great ambitions and energy, that combine costumer, comunity and team on a daily basis.
Work with us in a team which encourage risk-taking, challenge norm and trys to come up with a unique product!
If you desire to become a Robo's dealer,
contact us!
If you want to add Robo to your product catalogue,
contact us!
If your company deal with logistics,
contact us!
If you are a technician or if you run a technical assistance center,
contact us!