Robo at your Workplace
You can choose between different Heights to optimize space occupation. Choosing a double door let you work on both sides!
Fornito di ruote girevoli diventa un elemento pratico e veloce da spostare, la connessione WI-FI non pone limiti di mobilità. Il ridotto consumo elettrico rende facile l'applicazione anche su imbarcazioni o mezzi mobili. La modalità di standby riduce i consumi quando non è in uso.
Equipped whith turning wheels it's easy to move, Wifi connectivity pose no limits. With low power consumption can work on boats or moving vehicles. Standby mode reduce power consumption when it's not in use.
Robo's Playlist, besides defining a sequence of items to visit, can deliver information regarding items!
Objects can be linked to properties, categories, images or web link filled with information regarding it.
It is even possible to link video tutorial recorded through your smartphone.